Practical Charisma from Home - Spontaneity Shop

Practical Charisma from Home

15 November 2020
Alex MacLaren
Photo: Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images

As I was doing the washing up today I caught the first episode of Francine Stock’s excellent investigation of Charisma (repeated from 2015 on BBC Radio 4). As you learn about its origin in the mystical writings of St Paul, it is worth asking about the behavioural element of this quality: what is someone doing, when we notice there is “a light in their eyes”? Because that quality might tip the balance in a job interview.

My next impact training session is on Wednesday 2nd December, 2-4pm on Zoom, where we’ll teach you some of these secrets, and how to apply the insights of our Charisma Key programme to the challenges of remote working. ‘Early bird’ booking opportunity closes in 3 days – so sign up now and discover “what good looks like in the era of virtual/remote training”

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