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Next slide please

6 November 2020
Alex MacLaren

Saturday’s winter lockdown TV announcement contained a host of widespread bad practices –  many of you will already have made a note to do things differently in your next presentation. But beside the various traps the speakers fell into, the key  one is that they did not give (or even have) the time to practice it in front of someone from outside the team.  If they had done that the issues would have been fixed, the message would have been clearer and their job would have been SO MUCH easier.

We’ve been making the right changes to material like this since about 2005 – bringing technical skill and fundamental insight people’s presentations in professional services, law, finance – and medicine and pharmaceuticals. The translation of technical granular detail into a gettable and convincing story is our speciality. So if you have a high-stakes presentation or pitch coming up and you would like to run it by an expert eye, join one of our Open coaching sessions, or email

Watch (from 20:09):

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