This happened last night – a question in the UK election campaign to the two main party leaders, live on the BBC in front...

Crushing advertising – Apple’s iPad Pro commercial
When I was a tiny child I would go to sleep to the sound of musicians downstairs, led by my mum. She plays the French...
Nerdy news can be good news
I sent the screenshot above to my colleagues at the Spontaneity Shop yesterday afternoon, and was genuinely excited about it. The little network symbol in...
Hide Self View
Top right; three dots; freedom! It's 2019. You’re having coffee with a close friend, and within seconds of putting down your chocolate éclair she’s alerted...
Learning – with others, or alone?
Going on a course can feel slightly scary; to learn we must face and embrace our failures. At our workshops we make a virtue of...
Zoom Impact when it matters
Here’s a screenshot from today at 1114hrs GMT; arguably one of the most important videoconferences in history. This group is discussing the preliminary results of...
Is it Bullying?
The independent report into the UK Home Secretary’s management style reported back last week, and was instantly (and reasonably) the subject of hot debate at...
How Do You Steer This Thing? Fundamental change under pressure
“I’m someone who owes his career to being in the room with my clients – that’s how I’ve made every sale, and grown every relationship,...
Practical Charisma from Home
Photo: Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images As I was doing the washing up today I caught the first episode of Francine Stock’s excellent investigation of Charisma (repeated...
Next slide please
Saturday’s winter lockdown TV announcement contained a host of widespread bad practices - many of you will already have made a note to do things...
Winners and Losers
If all goes normally, tomorrow's poll in the US will end up with a winner (and a loser). We are fascinated by stories of victory...